Lauren's Science Project2005



Project Assembly



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Performing the Experiment/Results

Do they use smell?

In order to do this I had to put crickets in the test cage on one side. The container, which hold 40 crickets, has holes at the top so the scent of the crickets can flow through the whole cage. Then I put a paper covering around the cricket container so the Anole can’t see in and would have to use smell  to find them. If the Anole pays no attention to the crickets, we know that they don’t use smell to find their food. The Anole made no effort to find the crickets

Preparing for the smell test

Writing down observations

Do they use sight alone?

To find this out I had to use a dead cricket to see if the Anole uses just the sight of a cricket to identify the cricket as its food. The Anole paid no attention to the motionless cricket.

Do they use their sense of motion?

Then I gave the Anole live crickets instead of dead ones. The Anole became aggressive and snapped its mouth against the barrier trying to eat the live crickets.



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